Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Eazy Editor?

Does Eazy Editor support batch editing of images?

Is it free?

How do I get access to the web app and mobile app?

How do I cancel my subscription?

What is the Lifetime deal?

Does the Lifetime deal apply to the web app and mobile app as well?

Do we get a free trial for the Lifetime deal?

How can I cancel my Lifetime deal?

How can I get in touch with customer support?

Can I use Eazy Editor for commercial purposes?

What file formats does Eazy Editor support?

Is there a limit to the file size I can upload for editing?

Does Eazy Editor support 8K images and all resolutions?

Can I collaborate with others on editing projects using Eazy Editor?

What payment methods are accepted for subscription plans?

Does Eazy Editor offer API integration for developers?
